Problems with boot

Hello, I recently installed Knoppix 4.0.2 on my PC there is dual boot with W2K,
the installation runs without a problem, but everytime that I boot appears this message:

Kernel panic-not syncing:VFS:unable to munt root fs on unknow block (3,6)

Can anybody help me to know, waht is happenning?

In advance thanks for your help.

PS The partition for Knoppix is 3.5GB and formated on ext3, 600MB for swap partition.

I think your kernel is unable to find root partition.

Boot your system in rescue mode and check diff. file system in your hard-disk

After doing that reconfigue your boot loader settings according to the ext3 file system.

If you are unable to do that, reinstall linux on your box.

I have already re-installed twice the system, and the same error appears, when I installed, my choise was install knoppix style, do you thing if i install on debian mode can i solve this problem?


Hello friend

This problem is related to your file system, so forget to reinstall your system

Please give me detail of following things so that i can help you

  1. Your boot loader
  2. No. of partitions in your system and their detail
  3. Kernel Version

If you give me above information i will can solve it easily .

Use rescue mode to do this work.

I think u know about it.
When installation begins u use rescue mode

use fdisk -l command to find out your partition



Thanks Jai, there is the asked information

3.42GB ext3
682MB (swap)
D:29.27GB NTFS

for boot loader I am using GNU GRUB v. 0.95
an the kernel is the 2.6.12 version

I do not know if this information is what you need.

Thanks for your help.


3.42GB ext3
682MB (swap)
D:29.27GB NTFS

Thanks , Now arrange your partitions as

/dev/hda1 Windows 2000 System Partition (NTFS/FAT32)
/dev/hda2 NTFS/FAT32
/dev/hda3 Ext3
/dev/hda4 Linux Swap

I want to say that don't include your linux partitions between NTFS partitions

After doing that

  1. Install Windows 2000/2003
  2. Install Linux



so i have to reinstall the whole machine?, ok!!!

Thanks for your help!!!