Problems to install youtube-dl

Hello, I have been experimenting several difficulties to install youtube-dl.

On its website, it suggests four different ways of installing it, using curl, wget, pip or brew.

I tried the first one following the command that they gave:

which resulted in:

The second suggestions that tells to execute:

which resulted in

Followed the suggestions and added the

to the command. The results was:

The third suggestion says to run

. I did it and received this:

The last thing seems to be mac-related and I am on Linux.

So based in the three different error messages, it seems that I have a protocol version issue. The questions, how to fix it? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Unless your version of curl or wget is really old, I suspect it's a problem with their site.

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Well, they are (2009-2010). Shall I go after newer versions?

At any rate. In between was a maor security exploit (several of them, actually) which prompted ssh to use TLS instead of other encryption. Around 2013 (? if memory serves correctly) there was a major problem with root certificates so most of them had to be issued anew. All these this things (certificate errors, protocol errors) is reflected in your output.

I hope this helps
