Problems cloning Solaris 10 x86 Installation to bigger HDD

Dear All,

I have been trying to move my existing Solaris Installation (x86, 10/08) to a bigger HDD.

So I created a 22 cylinder boot partition and used the rest of the space for a Solaris2 partition. Then I created slices same size like on my current disk.

I copied all files with cpio and now I'm stuck.

I was following a tutorial, which seems to be for Solaris 8. Can't post the link, yet.

Please can anybody tell me how I'll get my new HDD bootable?

Thank you very much in advance



As with any O/S you need to write out a bootblock (or boot loader) to the starting sectors of the (raw) disk. You didn't mention that so I assume that you haven't done it?

Dear hicksd8,

thank you for that, I did already try it.
The result is that I'll reach a grub CLI and stuck.
Thanks very much for any further ideas.

I understand what you are saying.

Please check that the partition that you want to boot from is bootable (technically known as marked "active").

On x86 you use fdisk for this.