Problem with webmin server in Solaris OS

Hi all,
This is the first time i am using this forum to clear my doubt.

I am using Sun solaris 9 Operating System, I am stuck up with a problem regarding webmin server.I logged in to webmin as system administrator (root)and then clicked change passwords module. It shows the list of users to change the password. The problem is that any user who knows the root password can change the root password without any problem.

So if i want to disallow this, the best option i feel is that users list should not display the name root. How can i do this ?

When i investigated further i found a pearl script called index.cgi , which Display a list of users whose passwords can be changed .Since i am very new to pearl, what lines should i add or remove in this file ? Or is there any other solutions ?

Thanks in advance

Check the documentation at

#24: # How can I allow any Unix user to login to Webmin?

Follow these steps :

* In the Perl Modules module of Webmin, install Authen::PAM from CPAN.
* In the PAM Authentication module, add a new PAM service called webmin that uses Unix authentication.
* In the Webmin Users module, create a new user called something like unixer, with access to the modules that you want all your Unix users to have access to.
* In each of the modules unixer has access to, change the module access control to give your users rights only to their own accounts. For example, in the Change Passwords module you should select Only this user for the Users whose passwords can be changed so that Unix users logging in can only change their own passwords.
* Click on Configure Unix user authentication below the list of Webmin users and choose Allow any Unix user to login with permissions of user unixer.
* Any Unix user should now be able to login to Webmin on your system.

Again, if your system does not use PAM the first two steps can be skipped, and Webmin will read /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow file directly to authenticate users.
Another alternative to doing all this is to install Usermin, which allows all Unix users to login and access only settings belonging to them, using a similar interface to Webmin.