Problem with variable use


I need a little help with variable use:

I have the a file with follow format:

Type:            Test
Profile:   010

84240 27 15
84900 11 09
84993 55 44
84762 12 12

I need to look the value in the line containing "Profile" and put in front of the lines containing numbers beginning with 84.

Desired output:

010 84240 27 15
010 84900 11 09
010 84993 55 44
010 84762 12 12

I�ve been trying with:

awk '/Profile:/ {var=$2} /^84/ {print var " " $0 }}' inputfile 

but I get only lines containing the value of "var"


Maybe somebody can help me saying me how to fix this issue.

Thanks in advance

You have an extra braces } at the end...see above in bold .
Remove it and it will work.



nawk ' $1 == "Profile:" {key=$2;next;}$1 ~ /^84/ {print key" "$0}' yourfile

Hi summer_cherry,

Thanks, it works perfect. A little more help.

But may somebody explain how this works, I undertand a little bit some parts, but not the complete joined sentence.

nawk ' $1 == "Profile:" {key=$2;next;}$1 ~ /^84/ {print key" "$0}' yourfile

When use nawk or awk?

$1 == "Profile:" {key=$2;next;}$1 --> I undertand that is something like, "if $1 = Profile:, assign key=value in $2"
;next;} --> This part?
$1 ~ /^84/ --> This part?

Thanks in advance

"next" in awk means "stop processing the current line, and move onto the next line, starting at the top".

Don't confuse "next" with "getline".

"~" (tilde) is for a regular expression comparison, so

$1 ~ /^84/{do stuff}

means that if the first field starts with 84, then "do stuff"

The gnu awk user's manual (not the man page, but the on-line guide) is a great resource for these types of questions. That's how I learned.

Thanks a lot Gee-Money, I understand much better this. I�ll follow your suggestion.
