Problem with using using quote in awk script

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  1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:

i have the output of a csh script piped to an awk script. In the awk script i was trying to assign a variable with the output of a command, the problem is when i use the quote ' or ` it gave me syntax error and when i use " it printed out the command instead of its expected output

  1. Relevant commands, code, scripts, algorithms:

./a_script | awk 'BEGIN { FS="." } { num = "cat $argv[1] | grep $0 | wc -l"; printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $0, num }'
  1. The attempts at a solution (include all code and scripts):

the above

  1. Complete Name of School (University), City (State), Country, Name of Professor, and Course Number (Link to Course):

University of Southampton, Bob Damper, comp1005

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'cat argv' does not work inside awk. awk is not a shell language. Neither does grep or wc -l.

What does the output from a_script look like, and what do you want to do with it?

Hi ymc1g11,

One way to solve the problem:

awk 'BEGIN { FS="." } { "cat $argv[1] | grep $0 | wc -l" | getline num; printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $0, num }'

the output of a_script looks like the following:

and my $argv[1] is actually an access log file, by using grep and the above line as argument, i want to find out how many times had the file been viewed. Yet some of the output of a_script might not been accessed b4, any help?