Problem with SVM


I added by error to a submirror some disks :

metattach d53 c2t90d0s0 c2t90d1s0 ... instead of doing a stripe by disk (like that) :
metattach d53 c2t90d0s0
metattach d53 c2t90d1s0

then, I did a growfs -M to expand FS and the size isn't correct.

I tried to launch a metadetach d53 c0t90d0s0 c0t90d1s0 but th result is metadetach: d53: invalid metadevice type md_stripe

If I can avoid an unmount FS, it's better

Have I do a detach complete of submirror ?

thanks a lot


post the output of metastat and metadb