Problem with sftp

I have an sftp script which is uploading file into a directory which is not specified wth the cd command . For example:

sftp sftpserver
>>lcd /abc
>>cd /tmp/bef
>> put /abc/abc.txt  /tmp/bef/abc.txt
Uploading file from /abc/abc.txt to /xyz/wxy/tmp/bef/abc.txt

The file is getting uploaded into a path which is pre-added path in it.

Can anybody please help find out what the issue can be ?


Log onto the remote machine.


ls -l /tmp/bef

show that /tmp/bef is a link rather than a directory? Which would answer your question.

sftp also supports the pwd command

Thanks Jim. It worked. Can you also let me know how I can create the same scenario in my dev env to check . When I do the below:

ln  -s /xyz/wxy/tmp/bef  /tmp/bef
sftp sftpserver
>>lcd /abc
>>cd /tmp/bef

I am curious to know why I am not able to replicate the scenario in my env.
Is there an error in my softlink creation