Problem with sed in for loop, would appreciate some help

Dear expert users,

I am having trouble with this for loop, where I am editing a design file, replacing the subject, session and another parameter in the template design file.

When implementing the for loop, it did not do what I wanted it to, for example editing to {2014}/CAT_Run0[5] instead of my hoped-for 2014/CAT_Run05 .

When I tried to run it line by line, replacing the first parameter (using $subj) worked fine (2013 -> 2014), but I got an error on the second (using $run), to me mysterious:
sed: -i may not be used with stdin

for subj in `cat subjlist.txt`
cd $subj
for run in `cat stimruns.txt`; do
		cd CAT_Run0$run.ica
		block=`cat block.txt`
		cp /Users/template.fsf .	
		sed -i '' "s|2013|$subj|g" template.fsf
		sed -i '' "s|CAT_Run01.ica|CAT_Run0{$run}.ica|g" template.fsf
		sed -i '' "s|Block_5|Block_{$block}|g" template.fsf
cd ..

Any clues here would be highly appreciated.

The first thing I observed is that you're doing

for var in `cat filename`

instead of

while read line
done < filename

Next I see that in the inner loop you are copying /Users/template.fsf in each run of the loop. I think you don't intend this?

Can you please give us sample of what the file contains, expected output, shell you're working on....

  1. Thank you so much, that is immediately helpful! :slight_smile: Didn't know while loops in UNIX.
  2. The copying was intended, since I need a changed version of the template.fsf in each folder (which is then run later in the script). This is the only way I know so far of doing this.
  3. Yeah, the template.fsf is a text file generated by FSL specifying details of a fMRI analysis, and I'm hoping to edit it in the loop. The stimruns.txt file for each subject only contains a column vector of numbers I want to loop over within a folder of a subject, and the subjlist.txt a column vector of foldernames (subject folders) I want to loop over.

--- Post updated at 10:13 AM ---

Oh, it's bash shell :slight_smile:

On top of what balajesuri already said, I don't think {$run} will yield what you expect it to yield, but it also would not yield what you posted ( [5] ). I'd expect something like {5} , rather. Same for {$block} . And, if a {2014} is inserted, I'd guess it's taken as read from the input file, which would imply you need to remove the {} first before using the data. Sample input data would help...

Howsoever, guessing your data structures etc. from what I see in post #1, how far would (untested)

while read subj
  do    while read run
          do    TMP=CAT_Run0${run}.ica
                read block < ${subj}${TMP}block.txt
                sed "s|2013|${subj}|g; s|CAT_Run01.ica|${TMP}|g; s|Block_5|Block_${block}|g" /Users/template.fsf > ${subj}${TMP}template.fsf
          done < ${subj}/stimruns.txt
  done < subjlist.txt

get you?