Problem with rounding using lrint

I run into a situation when integer result of 81 * 0.5 is 40 (expected 41) when using lrint() function.

When I use a simple +0.5 approach results are right.

The code is:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        const int       X       = 81;
        double          prc     = (argc == 2) ? atof(argv[1]) : 0.5;
        double          dval    = X * prc;
        long            ival    = lrint(dval);
        printf("%i * %.16f = %.16f  IVAL = %li  ", X, prc, dval, ival);
        ival = (X * prc) + 0.5;
        printf("USING +0.5 IVAL = %li\n", ival);

results are:

~$ c 0.5
81 * 0.5000000000000000 = 40.5000000000000000  IVAL = 40  USING +0.5 IVAL = 41


Using gcc ver 5.4.0 on Linux, running on 2 years old Xeon processor, if that matters. I checked floating point rounding defaults in compiler and it is a regular "round to the nearest integer" rule.

My question is - should I abandon rint-family functions and use +0.5 approach?

You need to determine what rounding rules you want to use for tie-breaking cases (see Wikipedia's discussion on rounding)
and you need to realize that even in double precision floating point, the result of a floating point calculation is not always exact (even when computing a value using decimal calculations would be exact). For example, the awk program (which uses double precision floating point for its calculations):

printf '.1 .5\n.3 .5\n' | awk '{printf("%.40f\n", $1 * $2)}'

produces the output:


not the output you might expect:


Which shows two examples where decimal arithmetic produces exact results, but binary arithmetic produced one result that was a little bit high and one result that was a little bit low.

I'd love to hear what others use in C/C++, that is rint() family functions? home grown solutions?

Normally you call fegetround() to determine which rounding mode of the four possible ones is active.

fesetround() sets the mode. Only the fpu supported modes are available on a particular box.

For complete details try:
The GNU C Library: Rounding