Problem with re-installing ports


I am fairly new at FreeBSD. I tried searching existing topics for a similar problem, but I found none :slight_smile:

I have a problem reinstalling apache22 which I had to remove in my troubleshooting with mysql. Since I've got MySQL working now (joy unbounded!) I now have the task of reinstalling apache.

Before all this, I installed it from /usr/ports/apache22 (make install) and everything worked great after a tiny bit of editing in the httpd.conf.

During my MySQL troubleshooting, I performed a "pkg_delete apache22". Now, I try to do a "make install" again from /usr/ports/apache22 but now it doesn't do anything. I tried a "make", but same story. It just goes like this:

cigva# pwd
cigva# make install

I would have liked to see a myriad of action going on here instead of the above :slight_smile:

Therefore, my question is - if you already have used make install on a port one time, how do you reinstall this port in the future if you uninstall it as I did? I tried pkg_add apache22 but it just says that it cannot stat the package file apache22.

Can anyone help me with this, probably simple, question?

Thanks in advance,


Did you completely remove apache22?

 pkg_info apache22

If so, is your ports tree up-to-date?

Is there anything listed in the apache22 port directory?

ls -a /usr/ports/www/apache22

You could also try manually removing apache22 with:

cd /usr/ports/www/apache22; make deinstall distclean; make install

Unless you have specific reason for compiling apache from source, you can just use "pkg_add -r apache" or replace apache with respective software. Are you sure you have downloaded ports tree, like for example "portsnap fetch" , "portsnap extract" ?

Your "make deinstall distclean" followed up by a new "make install" was right on, it fixed the problem and my Apache is now again up and running.

Thank you for the tricks, I was not aware of those options. I'll be sure to test them the next time the need arises :slight_smile:

Thanks to you both for your time!
