Problem with quoted path in script

I've tried various permutations of quoting this path in a shell script to no avail:

/Users/bernie/Pictures/camera/Bernie\'s\ iPhone/Camera\ Roll

Here are some of the quoting/escaped paths I've tried:

##SrcPath="/Users/bernie/Pictures/camera/Bernie's\ iPhone/Camera\ Roll"
##SrcPath=/Users/bernie/Pictures/camera/Bernie\'s\ iPhone/Camera\ Roll
##SrcPath="/Users/bernie/Pictures/camera/Bernie's iPhone/Camera Roll"
##SrcPath='/Users/bernie/Pictures/camera/Bernie\'s iPhone/Camera Roll'

Can someone please tell me how to quote this path in a bash shell script?


If wrapped in double quotes, then try without escaping:

SrcPath="/Users/bernie/Pictures/camera/Bernie's iPhone/Camera Roll"
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Thanks, my quoting worked, but I was not quoting the variables when iterating over them in a loop like:
