problem with Net::Telnet

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Telnet ();
my $t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10,
Prompt => '/.*(#|>|\))\s*$/');
my $remote_host='home';
$t->open(Host => $remote_host, Port =>23);
$t->login('root', 'pass');

the error that I get when I run this file from the command prompt is

problem connecting to "home", port 23 :unknow error at line 9.
I cant seem to figure out whats wrong with it

check the Net::Telnet documentation to see if there is option to set debug level. use that and see if anything you can find

there is a way..can use input_log() or dump_log() but both the files are empty

make sure you have a remote server to connect to, i hope its not really "home" (or is it?)
make sure remote server is configured to allow root login.
make sure telnetd is running on the remote server
make sure your prompt is correct

no its not home and il check the rest of the things