Problem with my .cshrc

Hello everyone,

I write a ~/.cshrc for set class path to run my java application. The file is listed below.

 setenv YFILTER_HOME ~/yfilter-2.0
 setenv PATH "$YFILTER_HOME/bin:$PATH"
 setenv CLASSPATH "$YFILTER_HOME/include/dtdparser113.jar:$YFILTER_HOME/include/java_cup.jar:$YFILTER_HOME/build/classes"

I am haing the following problems.

(1) PATH variable is incorrect because linux commands like vi, ls, can not be found.

(2) CLASSPATH variable is


I hope I can get some from help from here.

Thank you.

The PATH setting for C shell is actually path is it not?
The file .cshrc
I see the line:

So a space between paths not a colon.

See also:
The .cshrc file