Problem with mount remot..!!

hi all...
when I try to mount filesystem on solaris appear me Permission denied
this is do it:
mount -F nfs <remote file system> <mount point>
mount -f nfs remot_server:/share /share
when i run this line:
nfs mount: server_remoto:/share: Permission denied
what i need to do?

login to the remote server and insure it's allowing mounting of the filesystem to your server.

on this moment i'm loggin on the 2 server as root...
and appear the same error...

Prmission to mount is set as people before have been able to mount directories. Unfortunately those persons ara no longer working with us. I'm new in this field, how do I log in to the remote server?

see this guide - chapter 30 for NFS issues - the others are also helpful

Access remote file systems

As far as logging into the other server, if you have root access, try logging into the console or if you have an account, ssh/telnet to the server and login.

hhmmm...maybe not explain me...
i have 2 servers
server1 and server2
of the server2 i'm ready mount to the share folder...
i want make connecting to the sever1 to share folder of the server2...
on the both servers i'm loggin as root...
thank you...