Problem with menu

Everything in the following script works fine, except the jobs command. It works when the script is not running, but does not work in the script itself and I cannot figure out why. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

using bash shell

echo " A: Jobs"
echo " B: PS"
echo " C: Kill Process"
echo " Q: Quit"

echo "Please select an option and press <Enter>"
read option
case "$option" in

A|a)    jobs -l
B|b)    ps -l
C|c)    echo "Please enter process number to kill"
read process
kill -9 "$process"
Q|q)    exit 0
*)      echo "Not a valid option"
echo "Press Enter to continue..."
read -p "$*"

Thank you in advance

Source: jobs(1) [linux man page]

By invoking a shell script, you're basically starting a new session, thus you cannot see the jobs from the previous session.

Actually, your code is working. I added a sleep command on top of your script for a test (sleep command is executed in the background), and it worked:

sleep 60 & >/dev/null 2>&1


$ bash


 A: Jobs
 B: PS
 C: Kill Process
 Q: Quit
Please select an option and press <Enter>
[1]+  7787 Running                 sleep 60 &
Press Enter to continue...

Hope this helps.

That worked to show my jobs, however the inode number seemed to be different then when I ran the jobs -l command outside of the script, and It would not Kill it when I entered the inode with option C of the script.
What ended up working was a space . space before I ran the filename. For example, my filename is script5_sysmenu :

 . script5_sysmenu

opposed to just
