Problem with lookup in awk

I need to add new ID to the file with old ID (column 7), I collected old ID / new ID pairs in a lookup file and I am trying to use awk to do the job, but something is not clicking.

My input file

ABC| 107|1440589221| -118.117167|   33.986333|10|  497476|1
ABC| 125|1440591215| -118.181000|   34.046833|10|  495713|1

I need to get this

ABC| 107|1440589221| -118.117167|   33.986333|10|  497476|1|10636872
ABC| 125|1440591215| -118.181000|   34.046833|10|  495713|1|10640836

My lookup file


My awk code (with all the debug I put in it)

awk 'BEGIN{old_key=0; FS=OFS="|"}
        if (NR == FNR) {
                old_key = $1;
                printf "adding to array: arr[%i] = %s\n", old_key, $2;
                arr[old_key] = $2;
        else {
                old_key = $7;
                printf "\t\tlooking for:%d\n", old_key
                if(old_key in arr) {
                        new_key = arr[old_key];
                        printf "\t\tfound %d\n", arr[old_key];
                else {
                        printf "\t\tNOT found %d\n", old_key;
                        new_key = -1;
                 print $0, new_key;
 print "END";
 for(x in arr) print x, arr[x]

Run results:

adding to array: arr[497476] = 10636872
adding to array: arr[495713] = 10640836
                looking for:497476
                NOT found 497476
ABC| 107|1440589221| -118.117167|   33.986333|10|  497476|1|-1
                looking for:495713
                NOT found 495713
ABC| 125|1440591215| -118.181000|   34.046833|10|  495713|1|-1

I'd appreciate it very much if someone can point me in the right direction, thanks in advance.

You need field specifiers of both space and pipe symbol, otherwise your search is looking for a number preceeded by a space. You want only digits in the search.

With newer awk specify the field separator characters with -F
like awk -F '[ |]'

I changed my FS / OFS assignment to be

FS="[ |]"; OFS="|"

But it did not change anything.

Just a note: I just want to point out that I initiate old_key to 0 (zero) in BEGIN section, hoping it will be integer.

---------- Post updated at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:01 PM ----------

Thanks, Jim, your suspecting spaces were right (I did too, thought my old_key is integer and will deal with spaces properly)
My awk does not support "[ |]" for SEP, when I tried your suggestion my $7 field became 0, that is why it did not work
I removed blanks from 7th column in the input and it worked.
Now, question, what is the best way to tell awk to disregard those spaces?

Try adding a zero to convert:-

awk -F\| '
        NR == FNR {
                A[$1] = $2
        $7+0 in A {
                $(NF+1) = A[$7+0]
' OFS=\| lookup_file input_file
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Thank you! That adding of 0 made the trick, now I know how to force awk to work with integers