problem with login

I have installed AIX 5.2 on an H70. It actually reports a memory fault as in SRN 25c68008. However when the system starts up it reports that there is 1536 Mbyte of memory and the O/S starts. I am connecting through the serial port of an old laptop onto the S1 port of the H70. The setting is VT100 with 9600 N81 I get as far as the console login banner and when I enter root and hit return it comes straight back to the console login banner again. I have re-installed the O/S just to make sure there was not a problem there. I have also bought the machine up in maintenance mode into singel user and all seems correct. The root user is present in the password file etc.

Please help as I have an idea I have seen this before but for the life of me cannot remember what I did to fix it!


I guess theres some problem with physical RAM. Just open your AIX box find your RAM, Unplug and clean it and put in other slot if any.
Refer the below link for hardware info:-

If that doesn't works than theres a serious problem with RAM find that with IBM by raising a PMR.

I have re-seated all the RAM devices and now the machine reports 2048 memory. There are no errors now on boot up, however whenever I try to login I arrive back at the console login prompt.

I started the machine in diagnostic mode and ran a test on the complete system with no returned errors. Very strange as I still cannot login!

This will not help you by itself, but i think your login problem has nothing to do with the memory.

Are you just not able to use the root user to log in or persists the problem for any other user too?

If you can get to single-user mode as you said, what was the output of "lsuser root" ? Were there any restrictions on login times, login terminals, and the like?

You might try to create a new user and give it a defined password (set as fix with "pwdadm -c <username>") and try to log in using this user.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for your reply.

That was my next step, however I wanted to see if anyone knew of a known reason for this happening so as to prevent me wasting my time creating another user. I cannot see why the user would be restricted when this is a fresh install of the O/S. I wondered if this was something about the H70 where login using a serial connection was not possible. Which would mean I need to purchase a GXT130P graphics card.

I think you need check the tty attr ,default the console can't login when your complete
os installation.pls setup the tty! you can reconfig it in maintenance mode .

I have now changed the default terminal in /etc/profile to vt100 and I still cannot get passed the console login prompt. I will try to install 5.1 and see if this makes a difference although I do not think it will!

I have now installed 5.1 and I still get the same result. I have noticed that the PCI ethernet drivers seem to cause a problem when the O/S is installed but cannot imagine this is a problem. Anyone got any ideas please? I also tried a range of different TERM types and this made no difference!

You might try this: boot the server in maintenance mode with a console attached to S1. Choose: Access a rootvg in maintenance mode, start a shell and mount a rootvg. In the shell export TERM=vt100 (or any other terminal suitable to your terminal program). Start smitty devices. Choose your TTY and change the following parameters:
* enable LOGIN - enable
* STTY attributes for RUN time - clocal (add)
* STTY attributes for LOGIN - clocal (add)
* Apply changes to Database only - yes
Then reboot.


Shockneck you are a star!!!!! I had not had chance to try what you said until today and it all came rushing back to me! This is a problem with working with LPAR technology you forget your roots! Serial terminals were always a problem and it came to me after reading your reply that there are the TTY settings. I changed them as you said and the O/S installation settings screen appeared when I rebooted! I now can login!

Shockneck you are a king amongst mere mortals!