Problem with Konqueror

Hello, evertime I browse around on a site with Konqueror It gives me the old page sort of, I have to refresh the page and then it gives me the new version of it.It's geting kind of annoying now, I've cleared the cache/cookies and it still does it. Anyone know how I can fix this?:confused: :frowning:

Well im not sure off the top of my head, but I do believe there is an option that always you to have it
update the webpages when you visit. You may have it sent to not update pages in cashe when you visit them.
When I get around to using linux later I may repost with more useful info.

Thequestion is right. Just go to settings, then configure konqueror.

Have you tried using Mozilla as a browser? I've just switched from Konqueror to Mozilla, it really is much better. :slight_smile: