problem with automount in Aix

Dear Frndz,

I have a problem in automount.

please find the config file entry for automount /etc/auto_master

/- /

I have specified all the mappings in /

The service is operative.

But when i cd into the directory it is not mounting with the server.

Could you please tell me where i need to look into.

This same configuration works in my entire environment.

Adding to this,

When i type mount it shows all the directories specified in are in automount ,but actually it is not happening.

Please help out.

Have you tried mounting the NFS filesystem outside the automounter? Also do not forget that automounter only mounts filesystems on use of contained files.

John Thanks for your reply.

I am able to mount the file system outside the auto mount.
But the problem here is once the mount is done manually it automatically diconnects after 5 minutes if the files are not used inside the mount.
so still automount is controlling the mount.

Any other possibilities to fix this..??

I take it there are applications / scripts in this area. Try running one of them this might change the mount condition.

I have a mount which calls the /export/home from server
when the user logs in.

But now when i login as user it says could not place in home directory
/export/home/user and it places me in the guest folder.

So its clear that the automount is not happening.
please suggest.

Humour me here. Do stopsrc -s automountd then try

mount servername:/export/home/user /directory/to/mount/over

and see if it mounts. If not investigate why.