Problem with a record

i have a problem with linux redhat .
I have a sequencial files and i want to delete a duplicate records .
How i can to do.
Thanks lot

What is the file name ?


sort -u <filename> >> new_filename
rm filename
mv new_filename filename

example :

3062  W40|2130|0255017800|
3062  W40|2130|0255017800

i want to delete a row beacase there is a duplicate file in the first field .
Thanks a lot

I guess - as you didn't specify a field separator - the pipe chars are, and your first field is 100212903062 . Did you consider sort 's -k option to define key fields?

Sort my file with option

more <file> | sort -k1 

how can i delete a duplicate row?
Thanks a lot

I don't think you want to use more file | sort ... .

Did you try arunkumar_mca's proposal, and does it do what you want for identical lines? If yes, extend the sort by -t"|" -k1,1 . And, read the man page...