Problem with 280R not booting

The box is in Houston, and I am in Dallas. Anyway, I do have serial access to the console. The box is hanging just after the WARNING's for the SDS modules not loading (normal boot message). I booted off CD, and mounted up all the file systems. Everything looked normal, and I could not find any problems in /etc/system or anywhere else.

It is Solaris 8, and very important to our business. I am hold with Sun now, but was hoping someone might be able help.

Hopefully you aren't on hold with Sun anymore and have this fixed.

Suggest attempting a boot into single user from the normal boot drive and then running manually the startup scripts to find what is hanging the server. Checking it this way you can then determine what may have changed to cause the particular script to hang.

Turns out the vendor ran "rm /dev/*" then panicked and rebooted the box. We were able to boot from CD, mount the boot disk, break the SDS mirror, copy /dev & /devices, rebuild path_to_inst, then boot and remirror.

Yea, nothing better than freeing up some space from /dev... Glad it worked out in the end.