Problem while installing Open Pegasus

Hi All,

I am new to Pegasus, I have Fedora 8 and have also downloaded tog-pegasus-2.8.0-1.src.rpm from, when i try to install by using

#rpm -ih tog-pegasus-2.8.0-1.src.rpm

and then try to build it, using

#rpmbuild --bb /usr/src/redhat/specs/tog-pegasus.spec

it gives error:Failed build dependancies

net-snmp-devel needed by tog-pegasus-2.8.0-1.i386

How to get net-snmp-devel needed by tog-pegasus-2.8.0-1.i386? How should i proceed further? Please help me to solve this issue.

Thank You in advance

check if you have net-snmp-devel installed:

rpm -q net-snmp-devel

ya i have snmp in my system, now I could install Open Pegasus but all the commands are not working properly. Please help me with some sample programs if available.

what happens when you run those commands? do you see any errors?

check if you could find something useful here

I am able to run the commands, some problem in settings, but how should i see all the classes? Please provide me with some sample programs

Thanks for your help am going through these documents its helpful.

Hi Yogesh,

Thanks for your help, one more query is when i try to see some of the providers using command

cimprovider -l -m ComputreSystemProvider(for example)

it says

Specified provider was not registered.

How to register a provider and how to use the same?

Please help me, Thanks in advance

Hi Yogesh,

As discussed previously, though snmp is installed in my system basic commands in snmp for example snmpget and snmpwalk do not work, it gives error saying command not found. Please help me