Problem using sudo with NOPASSWD

I need to configure access for a user in an HP-UX to :

1) use certain commands and
2) login as another user as a sudo.

These have to be done WITHOUT the user needing to enter a password.

However, after I enter the lines using visudo, there is a prompt for a password when the user executes those 2 commands.

This is the line I added in visudo :

etigers   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/sudo su - userX, /path/to/command/to/execute 

However, initially before this line was added, there were 2 other lines above it, without the NOPASSWD option. Could it be that these 2 lines were overriding this line?

Also, in the visudo file there was no !#/bin/bash at the top of the file.

Or is it that for users first time using sudo, there will be a prompt for password?

Is there a need to restart visudo service? If so, how? What command? I tried using service visudo restart but it says 'service' no such command.

Wonder if ther is not something queer here...

etigers   ALL = NOPASSWD : /path/to/command/to/execute, /usr/bin/su - userX 

Check the path to su as I have no more HP-UX under my hand to verify... You need to give absolute path to binaries in sudoers for sudo to work properly...

Swapping places with each other still does not resolve this issue. This is the exact look of the user privilege in the visudo file.

## User privilege specification
#emokchee ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/lsof
etigers ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bscsbin/bscst4/lisa/product/UMOBILE/prod/bscs/bin/hpux11_ia64.x/dmh, /usr/local/bin/sudo su - bscst4
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
#%bscs ALL=(ALL) ALL
#emokchee ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/lsof
#etigers ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/sudo su - bscst4, /bscsbin/bscst4/lisa/product/UMOBILE/prod/bscs/bin/hpux11_ia64.x/dmh

You didnt copy exactly the line... And you did not give absolute path to su...

I removed /usr/local/sudo...
And the reason of inverting is I dont know what version of HP-UX you are on nor do we know which sudo, sudo behaviour cant change drastically depending on how good you know the product and compile with your custom options...