Problem Starting CDE


I have installed Solaris 10 from dvd. I have a 1.8GHz processor and 512mb RAM. When I start it, a message is displayed that Xserver cannot be initialised. Please tell me how to start computer in GUI mode, because it logs me into console mode.


Have you read the release notes? This is documented there.

no, i have not read the Release Notes... But I have installed Solaris using its GUI interface only.... Please could u help me out...

# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e

That will enable it on startup. If you don't want to reboot, run

# /etc/init.d/dtlogin start

And then log out. You should have a GUI log in screen assuming you're at the console of the server.

Of course if you're trying this remotely, you'll need to export the desktop to your system and that's a whole different set of questions :slight_smile:


if the xserver won't work, try using the xsun server. login as root on the console and run "kdmconfig" to configure the xserver/xsun settings....