Problem LDAP 389-ds


I have install directory server but i can't change the password of user!!! I have used this command:

  [root@xxxx]# ldappasswd -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W  "uid=xxxxx,ou=xxxx,dc=xxx,dc=xx" -S
  New password:
  Re-enter new password:
  Enter LDAP Password:
  Result: Confidentiality required (13)
  Additional info: Operation requires a secure connection.

IMPORTANT: This command works on OpenLDAP, I've already tested! Where is the error?
Thanks in advice!

It's wanting you to use SSL, hopefully you have the port enabled. Add -p 636 to your string:

 [root@xxxx]# ldappasswd -x -p 636 -D "cn=directory manager" -W  "uid=xxxxx,ou=xxxx,dc=xxx,dc=xx" -S

