Problem changing owner of symbolic links?

Strangely, chown and chmod don't seem to work on symlinks. In particular, I tried this (as root):

# touch foo
# ln -s foo mysymlink
# chown SOMEUSER mysymlink

as well as changing the last line to:

# chown -h someuser mysymlink

where "-h" is supposed to change the UID of the actualy symbolic link.

However both yield:

# ls -l mysymlink
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 3 7 Jun 16:50 mysymlink -> foo

Also, I tried changing the user of the target file, but this has no affect on the user of the symlinked file.

This is very annoying! Anyone know what is going on? I'm using OS X 10.3.4.


wow. that is whacky. :confused:

still looking...