Problem after Install SUN solaris x86

after install solaris x86 on my computer success, but it can't boot. When the machine start, and i choose option 1 - default, it shows "W" on screen and system restart .
Anyone can help me.

My computer : dual core - 1gb ram - x86

after the installation of SUN it requires a proper re-boot , which might not have happned - causing improper installation.:b:

What happens if you select the failsafe boot ?

which version and revision of solaris are you using? did you go into the bios to see anything?

Failsafe mode in solaris 10 will bring you to the milestone/single-user:default, similar to sparc, in single user, there will be no network connectivity, applications that startup under rc3 will not be started. Its just a "maintenance" mode

Thanks for answering but my question was really aimed to the OP.

ooopps.. Sorry,..
Yes quan, what system are you using by the way? Did u boot to single user using cdrom as a boot device? Where are you choosing option 1 and where do u see "w"? ur question is not clear

This sounds like what happens when windows was previously installed on a server, then Solaris is installed on top and Grub installs to the first disk but it is not configured to be the bios boot device, so what you get is the windows boot loader failing to boot a no longer extant OS.