problem after adding new ide disk

Hi experts,

i have added a new disk to my ultra 10 system, after that i am unable to boot the system, its not booting from disk neither from cd.

please help!


does it work after you unplug the new disk?

Thanks Duke,

No its not working even after removing the new disk. Later i tried booting the system from cdrom however no luck.

Then i tried execute following

# reset-all


< nothing as output>

# probe-ide

nothing comes up in either or primary or secondary

Later i removed the old disk and tried with new disk and run the command probe-scsi and it identified new disk and cd

i do not have have OS one the new disk

please help

I looks like you have messed up the primary/secondary drive configurations, and when you have both drives (old and new) both are set as primary, probably using the jumpers on the disks themselves.

Thanks reborg!

How to rectify the problem?

kindly guide me

Can you get back to this configuration easily? If so please post the probe-ide settings from this configuration.

No reborg, i tried removing the new disk and run the proab-ide and i was not able to get any thing so later i removed the original disk and tried probing probe-ide and i got the new disk and cdrom working

Hi Gurus

I fixed the above problem by setting the jumpers and when i run the probe-ide on OK prompt i can see the disk.

However when i am trying to locate the disk in OS its not coming.

Please help

what have you tried to "locate" the disk?

i create a file /reconfigure and rebooted the system then i tried run devfsadm

and what do you expect after running this commands? is the new disk visible in "format" command?

No Duke its not visible in format command

do you have the latest OBP version installed? what is the output of "prtdiag -v" and "dmesg"?

Hi Duke,

The OBP version is 3.25.1 2000/01/14 13:40

in dmmesg i am getting the warning as in wrong magic number


If you see it in the OBP but not in the OS, then definitely something with your OS. Can you please check if your OS is properly patched ?

please update to the latetest OBP (which is 3.31) and try again. the patch id is 106121-18 and you can download the patch at

Thanks to all of you its its working okay