probing disks

I am setting up a Storedge Multipack and upon booting(stop + a) I did a probe-scsi all.

Is there any way of viewing this output one page at a time? scrolls by too fast and I cannot get all the info.

Also it lists the drives here, but after logging in format does not show them.

How do I format them after booting and add them to my system so I can use the format command to re-partition and set up volumes?

I know I can reinstall but would rather not.


Look at the man page for devfsadm. Boot -r would be the typical response, but no need to recreate all device files.



Thanks...Ill give it a try..

Try "man command | more"

devfsadm worked great...thanks.

As before:

For the Boot Prom..(at startup...after doing stop +a)......."Is there any way of viewing this output one page at a time? scrolls by too fast and I cannot get all the info."

Sorry I didn't catch the boot prom part when I read the original thread.

If you're seeing the boot prom from a console server, see if your console server lets you set a buffer length and look back through it. Or maybe the program you use to access the console server can save everything that goes through your window to a log file.

And Control-S and Control-Q (stop and start flow) can be used but may still be hard to view everything.