Printing empty subdirs before delete

I am using following code to delete all the empty sub dirs from the inputted dir $1.
Before deleting empty dirs, I want to print those dirs which are going to be deleted.
Can this be done with little modification in following code

if [ $1 -eq '' ]; then
echo "Searching '$1' dir for empty subdirs \n"
find $1 -type d | xargs rmdir -ps
echo "All empty subdirs in '$1' are deleted successfully"
$ find $1 -type d -print -exec rmdir -ps {} \;

Thanks jayan_jay,
This works fine but one problem.
I have dir structure ./a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h displays all of them even if they are not empty...

check whether your find supports -empty

No it doesnt (:-
I have modified script as below

if [ $1 -eq '' ]; then
  echo "Searching '$1' dir for empty subdirs \n"
echo "Following  empty dirs are going to be deleted \n"
ls -Rl * | awk '/total 0/{print last}{last=$0}'
find $1 -type d | xargs rmdir -ps
echo "All above empty subdirs in '$1' have been deleted successfully"

Now I need one more help. I need to display " No empty dir exists " is there are no empty dirs.
How to incorporate it in this script.

just tried to tweak jayan code , give it try :

find $1 -type d -size 0 ac -print -exec rmdir -ps {} \; 


This is not working . I am getting error

find: bad option ac
find: path-list predicate-list

---------- Post updated 01-12-12 at 12:24 AM ---------- Previous update was 01-11-12 at 04:21 AM ----------

Is there anyway to ls for $1 dir ...currently below ls is feting o/p from current dir.
I want to execute it for $1 dir

 ls -Rl * | awk '/total 0/{print last}{last=$0}' 

---------- Post updated at 05:07 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:24 AM ----------

I actually require script as follows.

STEP 1 count number of empty dirs
STEP 2 if number of empty dirs is 0 echo "There are no empty dirs in this dir"
print number of dirs
display all empty dir name
STEP 3 delete all empty dirs

Can any expert here help


count=$(ls -lR | grep -c "total 0")
echo $count
[ "$count" -eq "0" ] && echo "There are no empty dirs in this dir" || echo $count
#To Print the Empty directory
ls -lR | nawk '/^\./{f=$1}/^total 0/{print f}'

Thanks itkamaraj
This is working fine at command prompt but when i write it inside script I am getting
syntax error at line 1: `count=$' unexpected error

try with

count=`ls -lR | grep -c "total 0"`

i) This is storing ls -lR | grep -c "total 0" in $count ...and not the number of empty dirs...
ls -lR | nawk '/^\./{f=$1}/^total 0/{print f}'
displays those dirs also which has empty files there anyway to exclude those.

what is mean by ?

This is storing ls -lR | grep -c "total 0" in $count ...and not the number of empty dirs...

---------- Post updated at 09:59 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:50 AM ----------

Use back ticks, see the posting carefully :eek:

count=`ls -lR | grep -c "total 0"`

Sorry for confusion it is working fine...only thing it counts those dirs also which has empty files there anyway to exclude those dir from the total count..

try this..

find . -type d | while read d; do [ $(( $(ls -a1 $d | wc -l) >= 3 )) == 0 ] && echo $d; done | wc -l

Thanks itkamaraj for your help. It is working fine from command prompt but when I write it in the script I am getting syntax error at line 1: `(' unexpected

count=`find . -type d | while read d; do [ $(( $(ls -a1 $d | wc -l) >= 3 )) == 0 ] && echo $d; done | wc -l`
echo $count

spoon feeding :frowning:

read my previous posts and do the change for script

Following code is working fine in bash but it is not working fine in sh
strange ! :confused:


#Count number of subdirs
count=`find . -type d | while read d
do [ $(( $(ls -a1 $d | wc -l) >= 3 )) == 0 ] && echo $d
done | wc -l`
echo "Number of empty subdir = $count "

#if count of empty subdirs is 0 exit the script 
if [ $count -eq 0 ]
echo "Exiting the script as there are no subdirs to delete "
exit 1

for sh i am getting syntax error at line 1: `(' unexpected :mad:
Now I want to display and then delete all empty dirs ...efficent way to delete is
find . -type d | xargs rmdir -ps but not sure how I can print empty dir names before deletion
trying following
find . -type d | while read d; do [ $(( $(ls -a1 $d | wc -l) >= 3 )) == 0 ] && echo $d; done ; -print

---------- Post updated at 06:09 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:24 AM ----------

Final Script : May be useful for all

#Validating dir parameter
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "No parameters detected"
exit 1

#Change dir to the dir to the parameter dir
cd $1

#Cleaning the log file
echo "" >> log.txt
echo "Checking $1 for empty subdirs"

#Count number of subdirs
count=`find . -type d | while read d
do [ $(( $(ls -a1 $d | wc -l) >= 3 )) == 0 ] && echo $d
done | wc -l`
echo "Number of empty subdir in $1 = $count " > log.txt

#If count of empty subdirs is 0 exit the script
if [ $count -eq 0 ]
echo "Exiting the script as there are no subdirs to delete " >> log.txt
echo "`cat log.txt`"
mailx -s "Empty subdirs deleted at $1 on `date`" < log.txt
exit 1

#Displaying all empty subdirs
find . -type d | while read d; do [ $(( $(ls -a1 $d | wc -l) >= 3 )) == 0 ] && echo $d; done >> log.txt

#Deleting all the empty subdirs
find . -type d | xargs rmdir -ps
echo "All the empty subdirs in $1 are deleted successfully" >> log.txt
echo "`cat log.txt`"

#Sending email to team
mailx -s "Empty subdirs deleted at $1 on `date`" < log.txt