Print values within groups of lines with awk

Hello to all,

I'm trying to print the value corresponding to the words A, B, C, D, E. These words could appear sometimes and sometimes not inside each group of lines. Each group of lines begins with "ZYX".

My issue with current code is that should print values for 3 groups and only is printing for 2 groups (group 1 and group 3) and I'm not sure why.

What is missing in my current code to fix this?

The current output is:


and desired ouput:


My input file is:

A = 123
B = 3
C = 22
D = 56
E = 881
A = 332
B = 453
C = 11
A = 711
C = 988
E = 444

My current code is:

awk '/ZYX/{a="";b="";c="";d="";e=""} 
         /A/ {a=$3}
         /B/ {b=$3}
         /C/ {c=$3} 
         /D/ {d=$3}
         /E/ {e=$3; print a"|"b"|"c"|"d"|"e}' file

Thaaks for any help.


It prints when E is met. If there is no E nothing is printed.
Instead it must print at the end of each block, that is either when ZYX is met or at the END, and if it's not line 1.
Consider a

function prt() {if (NR>1) print a"|"b"|"c"|"d"|"e}

Thanks MadeInGermany, your're right.

I've added the END and print when each block begins and at the END and works now and adding the function as you sugested.

awk '
 function prt(){if (NR>1) {print a"|"b"|"c"|"d"|"e; a="";b="";c="";d="";e=""}}
         /A/ {a=$3}
         /B/ {b=$3}
         /C/ {c=$3}
         /D/ {d=$3}
         /E/ {e=$3}
 END{prt()}' file.txt

Thanks again.

Best regards

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Thank you for sharing your results. It will help other people reading this thread understand how you solved your problem.

For future reference, note that as long as a list of variables are all being set to the same value in awk , you can simplify the construct:


to just:


Hi could you please explain how your code is working , specially



When a header is found, all of the data fields are cleared (i.e., set to empty strings) by the above statement.
The individual data fields are filled in as they are found by the statements on the following lines in the script. All of the fields have to be cleared so data from an earlier header isn't printed as data from a later header that did not contain entries for some fields.

Hi Don,

Excellent advice. Thanks so much for comment and add extra information even when the question was solved:b:.

With your advice the code looks like this:

awk '
 function prt(){if (NR>1) {print a"|"b"|"c"|"d"|"e; a=b=c=d=e=""}}
         /A/ {a=$3}
         /B/ {b=$3}
         /C/ {c=$3}
         /D/ {d=$3}
         /E/ {e=$3}
 END{prt()}' file.txt

Best regards