Print to Email

Hello I hope someone can help me.

As part of an acquisition I have inherited a ERP system running on a SCO 5 server, unfortunately I don't have much Unix knowledge. I have been asked to configure a script so that when users print a report from the ERP software it runs a script that sends the report to the users mailbox as an email attachment. I have no idea how to do this.

I know mail is set up on the server and I know how to configure the ERP so it prints to a script but I don't know what should go in that script.

Our mail system is MS Exchange if that makes a difference.

Could any give me a idiots guide on how to do this?


Some of the variables are defined earlier in the script. However, this might provide some basics of emailing a file attachment to people.

echo "#### Emailing the reports"
# create summary for email
echo "Summary Report of items un-processed ${DataSet} data ">$msgtxt
echo "Script name = ${SCRIPT} " >>$msgtxt

# over-ride default set by unix
m_frv='set; set realname="Client Automation"'
m_subj="Items Analysis"
# recipient
# people to get cc copies
# determine the size of the file attachment; if greater than 65k lines do not send
#  Excel does not like these long files; email may not like to send large files
csv_cnt=$(wc -l ${workx4} | awk '{print $1}')
if [ $csv_cnt -lt 65000 ]
     /usr/local/bin/mutt -nx -e "$m_frv" -s "$m_subj" -a "$workx4" -c "$m_recipients_cc" "$m_recipients" <$msgtxt
     /usr/local/bin/mutt -nx -e "$m_frv" -s "$m_subj" -c "$m_recipients_cc" "$m_recipients" <$msgtxt