Print rows in reverse order if values decrease along the column

Hi, Guys. Please help me to find solution to this problem using shell scripting.

I have an INPUT file with 4 columns separated by tab. Each block of records is separated by -----

Sample1      5402        6680          Pattern01
Sample2      2216        2368          Pattern02
Sample3      1932        2122          Pattern09
Sample1      75209        76057        Pattern05
Sample2      76269        76713        Pattern01
Sample3      82346        82510        Pattern07
Sample4      82606        82796        Pattern06
sample1      41587        44548        Pattern90

I need to print rows in reverse order if values decrease along the column in a particular Block and to print the Block as it is if there is a single record or the column values are in increasing order.

Required OUTPUT is :

Sample3      1932        2122          Pattern09
Sample2      2216        2368          Pattern02
Sample1      5402        6680          Pattern01
Sample1      75209        76057        Pattern05
Sample2      76269        76713        Pattern01
Sample3      82346        82510        Pattern07
Sample4      82606        82796        Pattern06
sample1      41587        44548        Pattern90

Thanks in advance.

Use the following command

sort -k 3 input_file

Here input_file will contain your data.
According to the 3rd column value it will sort the rows.

 awk '{if ($0~/^-/) {print $0 ORS b;a=0;b=""}
      else {if ($2>a) {b=b ORS $0}
            else {b=$0 ORS b}
     }' INPUT |grep -v ^$

Thanks Selwan and rdcwayx. Athough sorting on the 3rd column will not sort within blocks of data but awk code is working fine. Thanks again :slight_smile:

---------- Post updated at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:20 PM ----------

Hi, how can I do the reverse that is print all the rows in decreasing order values in each Block?

local $/="-----\n";
	if($_ ne "\n" ){
		my @tmp=split("\n",$_);
	  print "-----\n";
		print join "\n", map {$_->[0]} sort {$a->[1]<=>$b->[1]} map {my @t=split; [$_,$t[1]]} @tmp;
		print "\n";
Sample1      5402        6680          Pattern01
Sample2      2216        2368          Pattern02
Sample3      1932        2122          Pattern09
Sample1      75209        76057        Pattern05
Sample2      76269        76713        Pattern01
Sample3      82346        82510        Pattern07
Sample4      82606        82796        Pattern06
sample1      41587        44548        Pattern90

Another one in perl,

perl -lane 'if (/^-/) { foreach (sort keys(%h)) { print "$h{$_}";  } %h=();print; } else { $h{$F[1]}=$_; }' file

and the reverse sort,

perl -lane 'if (/^-/) { foreach (reverse sort keys(%h)) { print "$h{$_}";  } %h=();print; } else { $h{$F[1]}=$_; }' file

Thanks summer cherry and Thanks Dennis.