print pattern line +2 without tabs or brackets

This works, but its messy. Any suggestions for a elegant solution? :-

me@myserver $ head zoneAttachOutfile
These packages installed on the source system are inconsistent with this system:
        SUNWsmbac: version mismatch
        SUNWsmbau: version mismatch
These packages installed on this system were not installed on the source system:
        SUNWtcsh (11.10.0,REV=2005.
        SUNWtltkm (3.7.2,REV=10.2004.12.17)

me@myserver $ pkgMismatched=SUNWsmbac ## later this will be a variable in a loop

me@myserver $ let reqVersionLine="`grep -n $pkgMismatched zoneAttachOutfile | head -1 | cut -f1 -d:`+2" ## resolves to 4 in above example

me@myserver $ requiredVersion=`sed -n "${reqVersionLine}p" zoneAttachOutfile | tr -d '()\t'`

me@myserver $ echo $requiredVersion

Regards Rep


requiredVersion=$(awk -F '[)(]' "/$pkgMismatched/"'{getline;getline;print $2}' zoneAttachOutfile)

Thanks Ygor, that was much neater than what i was doing.