print pattern between two variables awk sed

I am trying to print text between two variables in a file

I have tried the following things but none seem to work:

awk ' /'$a'/ {flag=1;next} /'$b'/{flag=0} flag { print }' file

and also

sed  "/$a/,/$b/p" file

But none seem to work

Any Ideas?
Thanks in Advance

awk ' /'"$a"'/ {flag=1;next} /'"$b"'/{flag=0} flag { print }' file
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Thanks Yazu
This works!!!

i guess, you need to use -v in awk for define the variable and its value and use inside the awk

Hi itkamaraj can you give an example of how to use -v in awk?

Like this:

awk  -va="$a" -vb="$b" 'a {flag=1;next} b {flag=0} flag { print }' file

It's more safe and less cumbersome. Of course the names of these variables (in -vVAR="$SHELL_VAR") may be any.