Print out my current http connection

Good evening
Need you help please

I just wanna to print out my current https connection and other users http connection which the application resides, for instance i connect to the below url to login into the application:


In another session from my pc i login to serverappp01 which is Linux in order to print out my current http connection and others users connection to the application

I run this netstat command and it brings me back a bunch of one hundred connections but not the desired ones like my connections and user connections connected to the application via url

netstat -an |grep :8080 tcp

Maybe you can help me out with this o dont know with lsoft command coulad approach this ?

lsoft .i 8080


Thanks for your help in advanced

I think you want to look for connections to port 14100, because that is specified in your URL.

The netstat command is looking for port 8080 so will get other things.

The last command I think should be more like lsof -i tcp:14100 which should return a list of processes with this port open, but that probably won't tell you much about where the connection is from, unless it is on the local host, in which case you should get the client processes listed too, which might help.

What are you actually trying to get at?

Kind regards,

Thanks for your help, primary I am trying to get is my current front connection via operating system, thats why i use netstat command.

Thanks for yourr help in advanced

To clarufy, from my PC i open the browser and connected to the application in this URL:


I open another session login to serverappp01 which is linux, and I just want to see by operating system my session i get connected from my PC, so thats why Im trying to use netstat command.

I appreciate your help in advanced

After you have logged in, what output do you get from the netstat command that you think includes the information you want to extract?