print only last two words of a line

can u help me out to print last two words of each sentence of a file.

for example.
contents of input file:

i love songs
my favourite songs
songs all kind
good buddy

Ouput file should contain:

love songs
favourite songs
all kind
good buddy

This sounds like a homework question. Please read the site FAQ.

awk '{ if (NF > 1) print $(NF-1),$NF ; else print $NF; }'

Hi.. Check the code using awk

cat <File name>> | awk '{ as=split($0,TagArr," "); st = sprintf("%s%s", TagArr[as-1],TagArr[as]); print st; }'

Looks like your posts are homework questions.

thanks for u reply.
Since i am new to shell script can u explain in detials

thanks for ur reply
can u explain in detail
AS i have tried it out but getting lot of bugs