Print line if first Field matches a pattern

Hi All,

I would like my code to be able to print out the whole line if 1st field has a dot in the number. Sample input and expected output given below.
My AWK code is below but it can;t work, can any expert help me ?
Thanks in advance.

{if ($1 ~ /*\.*/) { print $0 }}


1001.1   AAA
1001.1   AAA
1001.1   AAA
1001.1   FFF
3452      BBB
1234	BBB
1002.1	DDD
1002.1    DDD
1002.1	GGG
1002.1	HHH

Expected Output:

1001.1    AAA
1001.1    AAA
1001.1    AAA
1001.1    FFF
1002.1	DDD
1002.1    DDD
1002.1	GGG
1002.1	HHH
awk -F" " '{ if ($1 ~ /\./ ){print $0 }}' yourinputfile
awk '$1~/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*/{print}' a.txt