print column value after exact match of variables in file

I have file like below

  summit              hvar_rgrpd_10d_hvams17_                 _kgr_prod.rec       checksum            checksum            us        europe
  summit              hvar_rgrpd_10d_hvams17_                 _kgr_prod.xml       var                 summit              us        Europe

now I have two variables

hvar_rgrpd_10d_hvams17_ and _kgr_prod.xml

now I need to print column 6 if there is exact match for var1 and var2 for field 2 and field 3
like it should give me


whatever I'm trying it's always giving two records of US . but it should give me field 6 value of first row as field2 and field3 are exact match to var1 and var2.

Please show the code.

this is how it looks like but hard coded value

awk '/hvar_rgrpd_10d_hvams17_/ { if ( $3 ~ /_kgr_prod.rec/) print $6}'

but question how to pass the variable , it doesn't show up with any outcome

awk -v first="$var1" -v second="$var2" '/first/ { if ( $3 ~ /second/) print $6}' filename

You can run this script:

while read m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7; do
  if [[ "${mVar1}" = "${m2}" && "${mVar2}" = "${m3}" ]]; then
    echo ${m6}
done < File

you need to check the exact match, not what '~' does which is a regex match:

nawk -v f2=hvar_rgrpd_10d_hvams17_ -v f3=_kgr_prod.rec '$2==f2 && $3==f3 {print $6}' myFile

this does a regex match of the string 'first' and the string 'second':

awk -v first="$var1" -v second="$var2" '$0 ~ first { if ( $3 ~ second) print $6}' filename