Print available running instance out of total

I have a status command in AIX box, which provides output as below:

$ status

You are running the application on pegasus2

----Program Name------|--Avail / Total---------|
 MQ                   |          1/2           |
 ORACLE               |         10/10          |
 TMADMIN              |          2/2           |
 ------------------   |   -------------------  |

I am seeking to write a script with output: How many Objects are available out of Total i.e.
1 MQ Running Out of 2
10 ORACLE Running Out of 10
2 TMADMIN Running Out of 2

I started preparing something like:

status | while read n
avail=`echo ${n} | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`

Your help will be appreciated for completing this. Thank you.

status |awk -F \| ' !/^-/&&/\// {split($2,a,"/"); print a[1],$1," Running Out of ", a[2]}'

Thank you very much. It is awesome.

Can you please explain the meanings of !/^-/&&/\// {split($2,a,"/"); print a[1],$1," Running Out of ", a[2]}

---------- Post updated at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:13 PM ----------

Also, If I want to compare a[1] and a[2]. How do I do that? i.e. If a[1] is < a[2] echo 'error'

!/^-/&&/\//    # only take the line with / but not the head and tail.
{split($2,a,"/");    # split second column with / and save in array a, for example the first record will be a[1]=1, a[2]=2
print a[1],$1," Running Out of ", a[2]}      # print the output according your expect format.
status|awk -F \| ' !/^-/&&/\// {split($2,a,"/"); print (a[1]<=a[2])?a[1] " " $1 " Running Out of " a[2]:$1 " error"}'