Previous day's date in Perl?

Hi All,

I want to find the previous day's date and store that in a variable, which will be usuful for further processing.

Any help please.


This is exactly what you want:

a=$(perl -w -e '@mytime=localtime (time - $ARGV[0]); printf "%d%.2d%.2d", $mytime[5]+1900,$mytime[4]+1,$mytime[3];' 86400)
echo $a

You could have also gotten help from the perl man pages. Check perlfunc in particular.

Thanks Blowtorch.

As a unix command its working fine, I tried to put in my perl program and made the changes to assign the previous date(format mm/dd/yyyy) to a variable but its not working fine.

Could you please look at once.


The command I gave will give the output in the yyyy/mm/dd format. You will have to switch the mytime[x] around to get the output in the format that you want.

And another thing, are you using that snippet in a perl program? Then you can use this:

@mytime=localtime (time - 86400); 
#from this point on, you can use $mytime[3] for day, $mytime[4] for month (zero based) and $mytime[5] for the year (add 1900)

Thanks blowtorch