previous commands using UPARROW key

What settings should be done in order make UPARROW key to show previous commands on the shell prompt(Solaris)?

If you are in bash shell...up arrow should work and show you the previous commands you typed and used....Also you can use the history command to go thru the previously used commands...:b:

Dear r*, I am not using bash but csh.. I know history command. want UPARROW to work.

At the shell prompt, just type bash:
It will switch from csh to bash. You can type #exit when you want to drop back to csh

csh simply doesn't support up and down arrows for history browsing.
tcsh does if you want to stick with csh syntax.
Otherwise, use bash or better: ksh93.


run /usr/bin/bash and you will have up arrow history

only problem is if you don't have it, you need to pkgadd bash (forgot the package name).