Preview of a bash conf file


I'd like to give a little preview of an existing conf file, but not showing comments or empty lines.
Sadly, either the output style is wrong, or not all values are printed.

My current issue is, that the first variable read (var) contains both, the first and the second (val) variable.

Content of: this.conf

one="some value"
# Comment

$GREP -v ^"#" "$CONFIG"| \
	$SED s,"="," ",g | \
	while read -r var val;do
		[ -n "$var" ] && printf '\r%s\t = \t%s\n' "$var" "$val"

But what i get is this:

one "some value" =
two bool =

Expected output:

one	 = 	"some value"
two	 = 	bool

In a previous i attempt, i had:

		#touch $TMP.cfg
		#printf "$($GREP -v '#' $CONFIG)" > $TMP.cfg
		#while read var val;do
		#	[ ! "#" = "${var:0:1}" ] && \
		#		[ -n "$var" ] && \
		#		printf '\r%s\t = \t%s\n' "$var" "$val"
		#done < $TMP.cfg

This had the output-stle as expected.
However, the last entry was not shown, and actualy i'm still trying to figure a 'for loop' for this.

Any ideas please?

Nevermind, should have used:

while IFS== read ....

Doh, and this would have beein bash'ism, or so...

VARS=$(tui-conf-get -l "$CONFIG"|$GREP -v req)
#source "$CONFIG"
for var in $VARS;do
	tui-echo "$var" "${!var}"

Wouldn't a simple sed do?

sed  -n '/^#/b; s,=,\t=\t,p' file
one    =    "some value"
two    =    bool
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Not really, as i'm passing 2 values to a command that expects two.
The used "printf '%s'" is just for compatibility/simulation.