PPID differs in script and prompt

I tried several times to get answer to the below problem. Someone can please help me?

[tmp]$ cat p1.sh

`./c1.sh &`

while [ 10 -le 11 ]  # indefinite loop

[tmp]$ cat c1.sh  # sleep for 10 sec and exit
sleep 10;

Execute P1 as ./p1 &

[ tmp]$ ps -eaf | grep c1
pp1   20487     1  0 22:37 pts/14   00:00:00 /bin/sh ./c1.sh

[ tmp]$ ps -eaf | grep p1
pp1   20485 19920  6 22:37 pts/14   00:00:00 /bin/sh ./p1.sh

(1) Why does the PPID of c1.sh has been assigned to 1? Why can't it be PID of p1.sh? Thanks in advance

Because the parent script did not wait for the child, the init process "adopted" it.