Pls Pls do help me

When i run this command, everything is ok. The file can be email and attached but soon after i download the file, the file cant be read. It's seem corrupted. Totally cant be read although i'm using context or wordfile. Original file generated at ek_bkup/alert/tbspace_datafile.log is OK.....

Script sample :
sqlplus / as sysdba @tbspace_datafile.sql > /ek_bkup/alert/tbspace_datafile.log

uuencode ek_bkup/alert/tbspace_datafile.log tbspace_datafile.log | mailx -r -s "Oracle Tspace and Datafile Update"

Please somebody help me why this happened????

Maybe tar the file before you send it, untar it when you receive it and check if it's content is ok.

With my uuencode command in format:

uuencode file1 file1 | mailx -s "Oracle Tspace and Datafile Update"

Your first reference to the file1 gives an absolute path, while your second does not. Perhaps the issue?

It is correct for the first to have an absolute path, and not required for the second parameter (which is just the name assigned to the attachment), but it looks to me like it's missing a slash before the absolute path?

Hi guys..i just got updated ...

The uuencode file1 file1 command actually will attach a file in code. Meaning the attachment can be read only in same OS platform.

In my case, i need to detach the uuencode file1 file1 from solaris to my notebook in window.

I think thats the reason why my attachment is scrumbled when open by wordpad or context.

So does anyone know how to attach simple log or txt file to mailx without using uuencode command??

Hi All..

Is mutt -a avilable in solaris mailx?? Sorry to post here

That is not true. If the original file is a plain text file you should be able to open it on any platform that uses the same or similar character sets (e.g. Solaris and Windows) using an email reader that is capable of understanding uuencoded attachments, which should be nearly all of them.

If it was a binary file, such as an executable, then the statement would be partly true... you could look at the contents, but you wouldn't be able to run it.

For it to be considered an attachment by an email programme, I believe it needs to be encoded in some way or another, i.e. UUE or MIME64.

You can of course just include it as the main body of the email by using as stdin to mailx:

mailx -r -s "Oracle Tspace and Datafile Update" < /ek_bkup/alert/tbspace_datafile.log

Hi Annihilannic

mailx -r -s "Oracle Tspace and Datafile Update" < /ek_bkup/alert/tbspace_datafile.log

By using those command, yes i can receive the tbspace_datafile.log but the file is quit big so it will be better if i can attach the file. This tbspace_datafile.log is sql log file.

So do u have any better idea to attach this tbspace_datafile.log file.

What about mutt -a. ???