pls help me to insert tab and formatthe file

i want to format the file with tab delimitaed and assign heading to each column .

my format of file is
7 aiss 10
8 linux 25
9 linux_10for 35

Ouput i want like this

Ver Host Fails

7 aiss 10
8 linux 25
9 linux_10for 35

awk 'BEGIN {
printf ("Ver\tHost\tFails\n")
printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\n",$1,$2,$3);
}' filename

i need to do through shell script
i am generating file by shell script
and want to format through that

i wrote shell script in /usr/bin

i want to open file as cat and do changes and save it again

ok, you need to add the above contents in a file, give it permissions u+x and then execute the shell script.
to edit the file use some editor like vi. cat is not really a editor. it is a command GENERALLY used to see the contents of a file.

yeah but how i will modify the file and save through shell script .

i generate the file through shell script . i want to format that file with tab and heading of file

can you give soultion

assuming files are generated through script

for file in <every file generated through script>
apply linuxpenguin's solution ; redirect the output to $file.diff (another file)

is this what u mean ?