Plist to Unix Executable

I'm using an old conversion method for converting a plist into an XML file, but that's not what I'm needing just via terminal now. What I'm looking for is an answer to convert a plist file into an executable. I'd like to import it into Casper and have the JSS push it out onto an image. In this case the plist is the ""

Making this into a script would be keen.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? :cool:

** As some of you are thinking about a resolve for this one with me, keep in mind that plists have nested properties. It's controlling the properties switches binaurally that I'd like to be able to do. Simple by logic, 0 = off, 1 = on ...Bool = true/false.

plutil -convert binary1

also you could use plutil -convert xml1 to get an xml (i dont know if thats what you were using already)

I'll give this a try and see how it works glev2005, thanks.

The conversion seems to work well. This is what I've come up with. Let's say you've copied the plist to your desktop, we'll create a path to show you what it looks like:

/usr/bin/plutil -convert xml1 /Users/username/Desktop/

In Casper 7.2, you should be able to upload the file but only after conversion. For some reason it doesn't seem to like just the raw plist and did not upload this particular file. But after conversion it worked like a charm.

Casper 7 supports MCX, it would be a much cleaner and better method to use MCX, in my opinion of course. You'll need to modify your framework settings to tell the Casper client to use MCX. If you are using Open Directory, use MCX there as it can cause conflicts.

Refer to page 326 of the Casper User Manual for version 7.2.

Thanks tlarkin, will do. Much appreciation. :slight_smile:

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