Plink issue in windows

I had a simple automation process to take config backup from san switches to windows via SSH . This can be accomplished using plink .

My script was working fine earlier but from last few days it is not collecting data and the error which i am getting is below.



I have done the below troubleshooting from my side.

individual login to each switch and try to store key in cache.

The server's dss key fingerprint is:
ssh-dss 1024 1d:fd:7b:85:f4:1e:6d:33:8e:00:74:58:75:bf:b0:ae
If you trust this host, enter "y" to add the key to
PuTTY's cache and carry on connecting.
If you want to carry on connecting just once, without
adding the key to the cache, enter "n".
If you do not trust this host, press Return to abandon the
Store key in cache? (y/n) login as:

Above step use to store key under the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\Putty\SshHostKeys

But when i log off the session, i use to lost these keys from the registry entry and my automatic login is not happening.

I have also tried this but no luck.

echo y | plink

Hello nirjhar17,

The message means that the host key of origin is not present in your trusted hosts file. To get around this you could try following, open a plain SSH connection to origin and SSH will ask you if you want to trust the remote host:

$ ssh address
The authenticity of host 'address (address)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is <FINGERPRINT>.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

If you trust the remote host (i.e. type yes), SSH will enter it's key to the list of known hosts.
After that, you should be able to do your push. As an alternative, you could also manually add the key of origin to .ssh/known_hosts but this requires that you adhere to the format of the known_hosts file as described in the man page of sshd (Section AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT)

R. Singh

Hello Ravinder,

I cannot open plain ssh connection for origin because i am using windows host.
That's why i am using Plink to establish ssh connection.

If i am establishing plain plink connection, putty is storing files in below path.


But when i log off the session for host, i use to lost these keys from the registry entry and my automatic login is not happening when i used to run script and receiving below error.

The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's dss key fingerprint is:
ssh-dss 1024 1d:fd:7b:85:f4:1e:6d:33:8e:00:74:58:75:bf:b0:ae
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's dss key fingerprint is:
ssh-dss 1024 a5:7b:19:da:af:92:f0:e6:be:5e:4b:29:c5:a4:cd:60
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key fingerprint is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 57:9c:d6:e6:68:74:11:45:94:bd:87:37:39:cb:64:79
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key fingerprint is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 0b:0d:d1:31:4b:9a:5f:34:52:44:67:15:dc:5c:5b:94
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key fingerprint is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 98:8e:3b:dd:9a:df:46:66:9a:bd:0c:6c:1f:1f:c6:12
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key fingerprint is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 c4:c1:15:61:6f:2b:06:95:ff:d8:15:f0:14:8f:8c:f8
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key fingerprint is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 b7:ae:26:31:42:a2:40:28:ae:48:2b:1b:8e:b4:f8:42
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key fingerprint is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 fd:f1:61:41:ab:b0:99:c9:a7:4f:6f:e4:34:d1:8f:e6
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key fingerprint is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 11:44:77:d7:f1:3f:8a:71:1e:50:2d:8e:08:3c:0f:89
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 1024 92:61:c0:bb:e1:2e:d1:84:cb:47:e5:5c:92:54:db:09
Connection abandoned.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 1024 f1:ff:8d:81:fa:03:24:20:8e:2e:bc:c3:03:48:81:8d
Connection abandoned.

Can some one please help.

Are you able to repeatedly login interactively without authentication?
Does the plink version match putty 's?

I have pass the IP,username and password in one file. and script is taking inputs from that file. Only issues is it is not storing keys after the session log off under this path."




%FS%\plink.exe -ssh -batch %%G -l %%H -pw %%I configupload -p ftp %FTPSITE%,eccadmin,/%FTPSITEFOLDER%/`switchname`_configupload.txt,eccadmin@123
echo configupload completed on %%J >> %FL%\body_configupload.txt

Above is the code.

The version i am using for plink is Release 0.61 and i am not using putty.

You can download nic tool from ,nice tool for manage unix/linux or any ssh enabled device.Trial version is working fully functionaly ,but batch mode display spash screen,little disturbing but free.