Please, review script.

Hi guys,

I 've been brewing this shellscript, but I can't test it until next tuesday.
In the meantime I am too curious wether it will work or not, so I'd like to hear your comments.

I want to watch the user quota for mailboxes in various email-domains on a IMAP-server.
I have a list of directories in which the user mailboxes reside (domains.txt). The dirnames are named after the specific email-domain.
The users' mailbox quota is at 100 MB.
So if the quota will reach 100MB or more, it is written to a report for the mailserver admin.
And an email is written to the responsable person for the email-domain.

OS=Debian Linux

Thanks & regards, A.

echo " Exceeded mailbox-quota in domains" > /home/tmp/report.txt
echo "*************************************" >> /home/tmp/report.txt
ls /home/mailboxes > /home/tmp/domains.txt
while read domain; do
cd /home/mailboxes/$domain
echo "Checked mailboxes of $domain...." >> /home/tmp/report.txt
du -k --max-depth=1 | sort -rn > /tmp/$domain.f1
sed -e '1d' < /tmp/$domain.f1 > /tmp/$domain.f2
sed -e 's%./% %g' < /tmp/$domain.f2 > /tmp/$domain.userquota

while read num user; do
   if [ $num -ge 100000 ] ; then   
echo " $user's mailbox is $num Kb in $domain. This should be 100000" &gt;&gt; /home/tmp/$
    echo " $user's mailbox is $num Kb" &gt;&gt; /home/tmp/report.txt
echo "                           " &gt;&gt; /home/tmp/report.txt
echo "---------------------------" &gt;&gt; /home/tmp/report.txt
/usr/bin/mutt -nx -e 'set; set realname="My RealName"' \\ 
 -s "Noreply: emailquota exceeded " -a /home/tmp/$ postmaster@$domain &lt; /dev/null 
echo " No quota have been exceeded for $domain " &gt;&gt; /home/tmp/report.txt
echo "                           " &gt;&gt; /home/tmp/report.txt
echo "---------------------------" &gt;&gt; /home/tmp/report.txt

done &lt; /tmp/$domain.userquota 

done < /home/tmp/domains.txt

/bin/mv /home/tmp/report.txt /home/work/report-$(date +%F).txt
/usr/bin/mutt -nx -e 'set; set realname="My RealName"' \
-s "Noreply: New emailquota report $(date + %F) " -a /home/work/report-$date +F).txt < /dev/null

I would eliminate the use of temporary files where possible and redirect to the report file only once to simplify the script a little. I'd also add indentation for readability.

Also your last line is missing some punctuation in the date command.

For example (untested):

  echo " Exceeded mailbox-quota in domains"
  echo "*************************************"
  ls /home/mailboxes | while read domain; do
    cd /home/mailboxes/$domain
    echo "Checked mailboxes of $domain...."
    du -k --max-depth=1 |
      sort -rn |
      sed -e '1d;s%./% %g' |
      while read num user; do
        if [ $num -ge 100000 ] ; then
        echo " $user's mailbox is $num Kb in $domain. This should be 100000" >> /home/tmp/$
        echo " $user's mailbox is $num Kb"
        echo " "
        echo "---------------------------"
        /usr/bin/mutt -nx -e 'set; set realname="My RealName"' \
          -s "Noreply: emailquota exceeded " -a /home/tmp/$ postmaster@$domain < /dev/null
        echo " No quota have been exceeded for $domain "
        echo " "
        echo "---------------------------"
) > /home/work/report-$(date +%F).txt

/usr/bin/mutt -nx -e 'set; set realname="My RealName"' \
  -s "Noreply: New emailquota report $(date + %F) " \
  -a /home/work/report-$(date +%F).txt < /dev/null